Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ohh Polsko moja najdrozsza!

Arrgghhh....niestety moj kochany laptop nie umie pisac polskie znaki > <"".
Jak dobrze znowu byc w Polsce :D. Pomyslalam, ze skoro jestem w Polsce to napisze kilka slow po polsku ;] - ach ten sentyment. Moj powrot bylby milion razy lepszy gdyby nie fakt, ze za okolo 2 tygodnie mam egazaminy - czyli nauka i nauka! No ale, cieszmy sie chwila, lepsze to niz nic <3>]


I'm back in Poland ^0^!! l-o-v-e. My trip would be much-much-muchhhh better if I could spend my all time hanging out with friends, shopping, taking photos - in other words - having fun! Yet, I have to s-t-u-d-y! frustrated! I have final exams in about 2 Singapore :P. Anyway..let's enjoy the moment and get most of the trip (I'm such an optimistic :}).

OK! I mentioned before that I like taking pictures, in particular, fashion-like photoshoot. There's my latest work. I was a photographer and a stylist, in one =}

1 comment:

  1. Tiếng Polish khá giống Czech..nhiều từ hình như em thấy giống..keke


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